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Biomedical by Mind Map: Biomedical

1. Twin Studies

1.1. Consedence rate

1.2. the same environment doesn't show hereditary

1.3. Complicate heriditary, other factors.

2. Adoption Studies

2.1. 10% of adopted children will get schizophrenia because it's still heriditary

3. Linkage Analysis

3.1. Linkage between a specific disease and a link to chromosome is progressing

3.2. Old Order Amish

4. The nervous system

4.1. Controls most mental processes

4.2. Neurotransmitter relay information

4.3. Neurotransmitter may be said to be the cause of mental diseases.

5. Drug Therapy

5.1. Postives

5.1.1. Suicide rate

5.1.2. Works on 60-80 percent

5.2. Negatives

5.2.1. Relapse is common

5.2.2. Drop-out Rate is high

5.2.3. Unwanted Side Effects

6. Assumptions

6.1. mental disorder can be shown physical way

6.2. Biological Symptoms

6.3. Mental disorder can be treated physiological

6.4. Not based on behavioral

7. The role of genes

7.1. 46 chromosomes

7.2. Genotype is physical

7.3. Phenotype is enviromental

7.4. The genotype creates vulnerability towards diseases

7.5. The phenotype creates the disease

8. Family studies

8.1. Shows that a disease is heridtary if passed from family.

9. Evaluation

9.1. Limitations

9.1.1. Reductionist

9.1.2. Mostly Animal Research

9.1.3. Adoption studies

9.1.4. Behavior affects Biology

9.2. Pro's

9.2.1. Helps prove science aspect

9.2.2. Most can be measured and considered

9.2.3. Helps prove nature aspect