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RAAT by Mind Map: RAAT

1. Referal is first step to determine best AT device and tool for students success.

2. Step One

2.1. contact family

2.2. inform adminstration

2.3. suggest plan

2.4. group support decison

2.5. intervention choice

3. Project Information

3.1. Definition

3.2. Items to be Delivered

3.3. Extent

3.3.1. Included

3.3.2. Excluded

4. step Two

4.1. AT

4.1.1. accessment

4.1.2. equipment

4.1.3. service

4.1.4. tool

4.2. suggestive usage

4.3. verify compatability

5. Step Four

5.1. Implement the AT

5.1.1. chose best option for student

5.1.2. which device

5.2. Incorporate device

5.2.1. student benefit

5.2.2. access tool

5.3. function of AT device

5.3.1. KPI's

6. Step Three

6.1. IEP

6.1.1. Collaborate with IEP Team

6.1.2. Group Decision and Determiation

6.1.3. Work with support system and monitor progress

6.2. Development Stage 1

6.2.1. Define actions as necessary

6.3. Development Stage 2

7. Timeline

7.1. preventive measures

7.2. assist student

7.3. create support and AT device mode

7.4. response to intervention RTI

8. New node