Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet by Mind Map: Romeo and Juliet

1. Act V: Scene 3 - The deaths of Romeo and Juliet

1.1. Romeo drinks the potion just before Juliet wakes up, she then stabs herself and falls next to Romeo.

2. Act V: Scene 2 - An Undelivered Message

2.1. Friar John tells Friar Laurance that he could not deliver the message.

3. Act V: Scene 1 - Romeo's Return

3.1. Romeo hears that Juliet is dead so he buys a potion and wants to drink it by Juliet's side.

4. Act IV: Scene 5 - Finding Juliet

4.1. Juliet's nurse finds Juliet who 'appears' to be dead.

5. Act IV: Scene 4 - The Wedding Morning

5.1. The wedding preparations are made and Juliet's nurse is told to wake her up.

6. Act IV: Scene 3 - Taking the Potion

6.1. Juliet drinks the potion, then falls into a deep sleep.

7. Act IV: Scene 2 - Wedding Preparations

7.1. Lord Capulet tells Paris that he will be marrying Juliet.

8. Act IV: Scene 1 - Friar Laurance's Potion

8.1. Friar offers Juliet a potion that will make it appear that she's dead for a day, so she can run off with Romeo.

9. Act III: Scene 5 - Juliet's Refusal

9.1. Juliet refuses to marry Paris.

10. Act III: Scene 4 - Setting a Date

10.1. Lord Capulet promises Paris that he will marry Juliet.

11. Act III: Scene 3 - Romeo's Banishment

11.1. Friar Laurance tells Romeo that he is banished.

12. Act I: Scene 1 - family rivalry

12.1. The Capulet family and the Montague family are mortal enemies.

13. Act II: Scene 4 - Romeo's Plan for Marriage

13.1. Romeo tells the nurse about the marriage plan.

14. Act I: Scene 2 - Party Invitation

14.1. A party to help Juliet adore Paris.

15. Act I: Scene 3 - Juliet and marriage

15.1. Juliet currently doesn't consider marriage yet but agrees to think about Paris.

16. Act I: Scene 4 - Gate - Crashing the Party

16.1. Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio sneak into the party.

17. Act I: Scene 5 - Capulet Party

17.1. Romeo and Juliet meet and he falls for her straight away.

18. Act II: Scene 1 - seeking Juliet

18.1. After the party, Romeo goes searching for Juliet.

19. Act II: Scene 2 - Juliet's Balcony

19.1. Romeo and Juliet decide to marry, Juliet spreads the word.

20. Act II: Scene 3 - Requesting to Marry

20.1. Friar Laurance agrees for Romeo and Juliet to marry.

21. Act II: Scene 5 - Juliet's Nurse Returns

21.1. Juliet's nurse tells her to go to Friar Laurance where Romeo is waiting.

22. Act III: Scene 1 - the Fight

22.1. Tybalt kill Mercutio so Romeo kills Tybalt.

23. Act III: Scene 2 - Juliet's Grief

23.1. Juliet's nurse tells her that Romeo is banished.