Mentor Matchmaking

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Mentor Matchmaking by Mind Map: Mentor Matchmaking

1. Ecofiltro, Guatemala

2. Bakhresa Grain Milling, Malawi

2.1. Leila Akahloun Biko - Director Integrating Program for Africa, Ashoka + SEED Jurorin

2.2. Paul Laird - Earthwatch Institute + SEED Juror

2.2.1. + more than twenty years experience of managing forestry, agricultural and rural development projects in Africa

2.2.2. + main focus of career: sustainable natural resource management as a key strategy for rural livelihoods

2.3. Teilnahme noch unsicher

3. Jain Irrigation

3.1. kommt verspätet

4. Apollo Hospitals

4.1. nimmt nicht am Workshop teil

5. how to find contact

5.1. Mc Kynsey India

5.2. Monitor MIM India

5.3. Accenture

6. Mentor - Unrecherchierte Ideen

6.1. BMW Foundation

6.2. Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

6.3. Swift Foundation, US

6.4. The Tällberg Foundation, Sweden

6.5. The Joffe Charitable Trust, UK

7. Sust Harvest Coffee

7.1. SNV LA

7.1.1. Dev organisation

7.1.2. sector expertise

7.1.3. contact with farmers

7.2. Café direct, UK

7.2.1. + Value chain & innovation

7.2.2. + Sector expertise

7.2.3. + Expertise with BOP suppliers

7.3. Twin Trading, Fair trade initiative, set up café direct together with, e.g. OXFAM

7.3.1. network - access to new partnerships

7.3.2. strategy

7.3.3. value chain & innovation

7.3.4. potentially finance - needs to be checked

7.4. Nestle China

7.4.1. Yunnan Coffee project won UN 2012 World Business and Development Award

7.4.2. +strategy

7.4.3. +sector experience

7.4.4. +experience with bop

7.4.5. strong network ? - needs to be checked

7.5. Info Channel

7.5.1. Oxfam Marion Lieser Zusage CS PAX

7.5.2. maybe also Twin Trading

7.6. Questions

7.6.1. How important is technology aspect for them? "Use of latest technology innovation to support BoP business: Mobile computing, ..."

8. Waterlife India

8.1. Int Org ??? WHO/UNHCHR

8.1.1. +netzwerk

8.1.2. - too theoretical

8.2. Acumen Fund Expert in Water with impact investing experience.

8.2.1. sector expertide

8.2.2. finance expertise

8.3. Other companies - Water Initiative.Home based water purification products + investing experience - Siemens Water ???

8.3.1. + Business dev

8.3.2. + Value Chain

8.4. IDE - grosse NGO im Bereich

8.4.1. NGO - development expertise

8.4.2. Incl Buss expertise

8.5. Questions

8.5.1. What do they mean with "suggest us new products"? More on the technical side or innovative ideas?

8.5.2. Where is preference? Access to capital/innovation and new products/etc?

9. Brilla, Colombia

9.1. Finca - Herr Scofield

9.2. Back-ups

9.2.1. Oikocredit

9.2.2. Grassroots Business Fund

9.2.3. other microfinance/impact investors

10. Tenda Altacado, Brazil

10.1. Retailer

10.1.1. Unilever aktiv in IB in Indonesia, Vietnam, South Africa

10.2. Finance

10.2.1. World Bank - access to finance in developing countries Herrn Losse-Müller bereits wegen Kontakt angeschrieben

10.2.2. Brian Milder, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Root Capital + SEED Juror + financial products in Latin America + business development expertise - worked for a venture fund to incubate sustainable social enterprises +value chain finance - published an article on the topic in a journal Neue Idee

10.2.3. Grameen Foundation - Capital Management & Advisory Center

10.2.4. Vox Capital - Microfinance impact investor focus on BOP + business development - education and learning ?

10.2.5. Microinsurance - e.g. MunichRe have to deal with asymmetric informations

10.3. Learning

10.3.1. Walter Beats, SEED Juror and Director of Graduate School of Business, Uni Cape Town Unesco Chair in Education for Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Euromed Management, Marseille research interests: innovation and knowledge, work-place learning and pedagogical innovation

10.4. Questions

10.4.1. What do they mean by "learning network?" "the main theme is related to generation of impact through education, learning, knowledge focused on a low-income public"

10.4.2. "solve the bottlenecks related to the business model we operate in"? what do they mean?

10.4.3. Priority on value chain & innovation, right?

11. Engro Foods

11.1. NestlePakistan

11.1.1. großes Projekt mit pakistanischen Kleinbauern

11.1.2. incl. capacity building

11.1.3. bereits mit CSR Nestle Deutschland in Kontakt - Achim Drewes

11.1.4. Stand: man müsste abklären, inwieweit Wettbewerbssituation besteht, aber grundsätzlich Interesse an Mentoring/Partnership

11.2. Danone

11.2.1. noch niemanden erreicht

11.3. (Danone Communities)

11.4. Unilever

11.4.1. Project Novella - Multistakeholder Projekt in Afrika

11.4.2. to develop locally owned Allanblackia oil supply chains

11.4.3. including development of enterprises that cultivate, collect, transport, process and export the oil --> similar to infrastructure challenge in Pak maybe

11.4.4. capacity building for farmers - farming, trading, technical trading; ensure local development

11.4.5. Stand: Mail mit Infos an Head of Global Advocacy Department (Thomas Lingard) geschickt - keinen direkten Projektansprechpartner gefunden

11.5. AgriCord - Ignace Coussement

11.5.1. Agricuture Network - Expert in Farming in developing countries??

11.5.2. creation of value chains

11.5.3. expertise in farming at grassroots level

11.5.4. check: financing mechanisms for BOP suppliers?

11.5.5. not yet contacted

11.6. Questions

11.6.1. "expertise in farming at grassroots level" - what kind of expertise do they seek?

11.6.2. Where lies priority? Network/Financing mechanism for BOP/expertise in farming/create value chains

12. Uniminuto

12.1. Expert University Education Africa

12.1.1. Narciso Matos Expert in education - Chair of Carnegie Corporation International Development Program + Advisory Group on Education of UNESCO Africa focus possibly also info channel

12.1.2. Prof. Dr. Tikly himself

12.2. SAP University Alliance

12.2.1. Niraj Singh

12.2.2. providing software solutions for universities

12.2.3. active in African market

12.2.4. maybe also other partnerships possible apart from/instead of mentoring

12.2.5. very interested

12.3. Info Channel

12.3.1. Prof. Dr. Tikly - University of Bristol

12.3.2. Foundations with education programs Carnegie Ford Rockefeller