KPI Monitoring and Tracking

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KPI Monitoring and Tracking by Mind Map: KPI  Monitoring and Tracking

1. Catering Building

1.1. Map out current process and agree with client

1.2. Identify significant energy & utility users

1.3. Agree what KPI should be tracked and what metering solution is required (meter plus logger)

1.4. Get costs for additional monitoring solution

1.5. Install monitoring solution

2. Retail Building

2.1. Map out current process and agree with client

2.2. Identify significant energy & utility users

2.3. Agree what KPI should be tracked and what metering solution is required (meter plus logger)

2.4. Get costs for additional monitoring solution

2.5. Install monitoring solution

3. Building/Process Individual Electrical Monitoring

3.1. Identify switchrooms that could provide value if monitored

4. Water Balance

4.1. Monitor large water consumption centres

5. Platform Analysis

5.1. eSight

5.2. SCADA

5.3. BMS

6. Effluent Plant

6.1. COD

6.2. Energy