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Chapter 1 by Mind Map: Chapter 1

1. Ignoring Opportunities

1.1. Many people are sticking with their old ways of manual labor and not accepting or not believing in the new technology. Some government groups decided on manual-only processes for COVID testings. (BO)

1.1.1. Understanding the importance of deep technology is important and the Winklevoss twins understood the task. Deep tech is one of the best revenue streams and the twins kept buying Bitcoin knowing that it was going to blow up and after they bought Bitcoin, they had a 1% stake of Bitcoin. (BO) Companies that do not change with technology are unable to keep up with more innovative companies. By ignoring opportunities to implement new technology, they are setting themselves up for failure. (CO) Many people refuse to accept new technology because they had bad experiences with early versions of tech. This can lead wasted time, labor, and money because they have to perform what would be a simple task for tech manually instead. (CO)

2. What to Expect

2.1. General Purpose Technologies have taken over and there are not many, but they change the way people do daily activities from work to just hobbies. For example, the printing press, computers, the internet. (BO)

2.1.1. Artificial Intelligence, Extended Reality, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Autonomous Vehicles, 3D Printing, and Quantum Computing are seven GPTs that are going to change the world and it's products. (BO) Tech companies will start expanding into different industries, such as Apple expanding into the vehicle industry or Google becoming one of the biggest marketing companies. There is no longer a clear line between tech and non tech companies. (CO)

3. Economic Impact

3.1. All seven of the deep techs are expected to increase in their global economic impact from now until 2030. There is approximately $110 trillion being impacted over this coming decade. (BO)

4. Why Deep Tech Matters

4.1. Day by day technology becomes more and more essential to peoples' daily lives. Most successful companies we see are primarily technology-based. (BO)

4.1.1. Companies that not only adopt new technology but invest in it are the ones that become successful. (CO) Technology is created to speed up processes and make them more efficient. It also helps to connect people/companies and improves communication and business dealings. (CO)

5. Cutting Edge Power Chain

5.1. Factories powered by assembly line (BO)

5.1.1. Electricity (BO) Business structures like the firm (BO) Supply Chain Optimization (BO)