1. write
1.1. penzu.com
1.2. boomwriter
1.3. Create your own fun newspaper
1.4. Easybib: Guide to better writing
1.5. Create Poems Online
1.6. lexipedia - where words have meaning
1.7. 50 Free Resources that will improve your writing skills
1.8. iFakeText
1.9. tools for digital storytelling
1.10. Top 8 Apps for Teaching Creative Writing
1.11. telescopic text: make writing fun
1.12. Sentence Builder (iPad) helps students Learn to Write
1.13. Playfic: Write, remix, share and play interactive text-based games
1.14. 5 Free Tools for Creating Comics in the Classroom
2. listen
2.1. listen-and-write
2.2. Podcasting
2.2.1. Podcasting in education
2.2.2. “Education Podcast Network”
2.3. 3 places to find talking children's storybooks
3. read
3.1. Blue Ribbon Readers: The Detective's Notebook Game : PBS LearningMedia
3.2. Free online teleprompter:
3.3. Brainpickings: your mental pool of resources
3.4. SketchPad Explorer
3.5. Seton Hill University’s iPad rollout
3.6. Literature Summary / Analysis
3.6.1. Cliff Notes
3.6.2. SparkNotes
3.7. Introduction to World Literature
3.8. Shakespeare Searched
3.9. Free Reading Resources from PBS
3.9.1. Pre K-1: Violet's Music
3.9.2. Blue Ribbon Readers: The Questioning Cube Game (K-5)
3.10. 26 ways to use comics in the classroom
3.11. Rewordify: simply ANY written text
3.12. Breaking News: News in 7 Levels
3.13. Newsela: differentiated reading (non-fictional texts) online
4. dictionaries
4.1. Macmillan Dictionary
4.2. Vocabulary.com
4.3. Forvo
4.4. Visual Dictionary Online
4.5. Big Huge Thesaurus
4.6. Add an image dictionary to your Chrome browser
4.7. Ozdic - Online Collocation Dictionary
4.8. Longman Dictionaries Online
4.9. Free Online Collocations Dictionary
5. share & collaborate
5.1. VoiceThread
5.2. eduClipper
5.3. DML Central
5.3.1. A Collaborative Guide to Best Digital Learning Practices for K-12
5.4. mindmeister
5.4.1. example for mindmeister:Tools To Enhance Your Personal Learning Environment
5.5. Wallwisher
5.6. Edmodo | Sicheres Soziales Lern-Netzwerk für Lehrende und Lernende
5.7. 'Fakebook'! Create a Fake Facebook Profile Wall using this generator
5.8. Scribblar.com:
5.9. Facebook
5.9.1. 5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
5.9.2. University of South Florida teacher uses Facebook in class
5.9.3. Texas Kindergarten Teacher communicating with Parents via Facebook
5.9.4. Classroom 2.0 Discussion Forum
5.9.5. Jay Dsfsu's Youtube Channel with describing videos The Basics of a Facebook Page for Educators Privacy on Facebook for Educators Setting up a Facebook Group for Your Class
5.9.6. 100 Ways You Should be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
5.9.7. 25 Facebook Apps That Are Perfect for Online Education
5.9.8. How To Use Facebook Questions In The Classroom
5.9.9. Facebook Summit 2011
5.9.10. 10 Beneficial Facebook Pages For Educators To Check Out
5.10. Learning Management Systems
5.10.1. Course Sites by blackboard
5.10.2. Ecto Learning
5.10.3. MyiCourse
5.10.4. rCmpus
5.10.5. Schoology
5.10.6. SchoolRack
5.11. Edutopia
5.12. Room 21
5.13. Taking IT Global
5.14. Free Education Technology Resources eBook
5.15. Free Resources For Education Available from Apple
5.16. Free Technology for Teachers
5.17. Google Aps for Education
5.18. Microsoft Live @ edu
5.19. Google Docs
5.20. ZOHO
5.21. Dropbox
5.22. Enter the Group
5.23. Onlive Desktop
5.24. Bubbl
5.25. 4Great Twitter Apps
5.26. Emerging Ed Tech on Twitter
5.27. How to Use Twitter
5.28. Twitter - in the classroom
5.29. Blogging
5.29.1. Blogger.com
5.29.2. Edublogs
5.29.3. Teacher's blog
5.29.4. Free Technology for Teachers: 21 Map Creation Tools for Students and Teachers | ...
5.29.5. Classroom Blogs
5.29.6. Student blogs
5.29.7. How to set up a classroom blog: 10 Essential Steps
5.29.8. Administrator's Blogs
5.29.9. Educational Technologist’s Blogs
5.29.10. WordPress
5.29.11. Eric Blue’s Blog » 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management
5.29.12. English Raven: Moodle Tutorials from English Raven
5.29.13. Magnoto: Freestyle Blogging & Website Building
5.29.14. Twitter in the Classroom
5.30. EDU 2.0
5.31. Learnist
5.31.1. 10 Ways to Use Learnist in the Classroom
5.32. 5
6. watch
6.1. 25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online (RT @russeltarr)
6.2. Khan Academy
6.3. HowStuffWorks "Learn how Everything Works!"
6.4. 100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers
6.5. General Video Lecture Sites
6.5.1. Academic Earth
6.5.2. Apple’s “iTunes U":
6.5.3. The OpenCourseWare Consortium
6.5.4. Free Video Lectures
6.5.5. Videolectures.net
6.5.6. LearnersTV
6.5.7. Lecture Fox
6.5.8. YouTube EDU
6.6. Video Lectures Sites from Specific Universities
6.6.1. MIT OpenCourseWare
6.6.2. Open Yale Courses
6.6.3. Stanford University’s YouTube Channel
6.6.4. UCLA “BruinCast”
6.7. TED Talks
6.8. WatchKnow
6.9. TeacherTube, and other YouTube alternatives for instructional use (part 1 of 2)
6.10. Seven Online Classrooms Teachers Can Use to Augment Their Own
6.11. Explania: Instructional Videos, animated explanations:
6.12. EmergingEdTech
6.13. Simple English Videos
6.14. Vialogues : Meaningful discussions around video
6.15. ESL video
6.16. Create Flippled Classrooms from Youtube Videos: Teachem
6.17. NEWS for students: CNN Student News
6.18. A youtubefree educational video search engine
7. create
7.1. presentation
7.1.1. 280 Slides
7.1.2. wordle
7.1.3. Piktochart
7.1.4. Zoho Show - Online Presentation Tool
7.1.5. Free microsoft tools in the classroom
7.1.6. Slide Transitions
7.1.7. Custom Animations
7.1.8. Templates for PowerPoint from Microsoft Set of dozen backgrounds advanced set of templates
7.1.9. Audio elements Add Audio or Music to Your PowerPoint Presentations Slideshare Presentations Plus Audio Audacity
7.1.10. Presentation magazine
7.1.11. Zentation: Webinar software
7.1.12. Advanced PowerPoint Tutorials More Advanced Features in Microsoft PowerPoint Advanced Power Point Tutorial Video search results from Bing
7.1.13. Online Presentation Tools for E-Learning Prezi Slideshare
7.1.14. Screencasting with JING
7.1.15. Screenpresso
7.1.16. Screenr
7.1.17. Screencast-O-Matic
7.1.18. Screencastle
7.1.19. Webinaria
7.1.20. CamStudio
7.1.21. Faculte
7.1.22. NCH Software
7.1.23. fun free presentation tools Prezi Glogster Vuvox OneTrueMedia Voki
7.1.24. Making the Rudolph Music Video (a Web 2.0 story)
7.1.25. 5 Reasons Why I Think Camtasia Rocks
7.1.26. 8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers
7.1.27. Free screencasting – easy; free video editing – not so much
7.1.28. Screencasting with Debut’s Lite Version
7.1.29. Vuvox Rocks
7.1.30. creating pp games Jeopardy game pp file 1 pp file 2 crossword
7.1.31. Smart Exchange
7.1.32. Topmarks
7.1.33. Power Point Jazz up your pp slides Tipps on using pp slide animations Free picture and text effects template Presentation Magazine Slide Speech
7.1.34. PowToon: Create Animated Videos and Presentations
7.2. videos, movies, quizzes, games, images
7.2.2. TokBox
7.2.3. Dvolver Moviemaker
7.2.4. Virtual worlds Second Life Art Galleries System Requirements The Future of 3D Technology Three great YouTube videos about Educational uses of Second Life Google's Liquid Galaxy Project Cool insight into the future of virtual worlds & virtual reality
7.2.5. thinglink.com: Make your Images Interactive
7.2.6. Makeuseof.com: Creating Infographics
7.2.7. Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers
7.2.8. Tagxedo: Word Clouds with Styles
7.2.9. Puzzle maker
7.2.10. John's word search puzzles
7.2.11. Easy Test Maker
7.2.12. Quiz Star
7.2.13. Go Animate
7.3. Tech Tools to Support Creativity in the Classroom - LiveBinder
7.4. flubaroo: Creating multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments
7.5. Tasks
7.6. Templates
7.6.1. Awards Certificates
7.6.2. Bookmarks and Book Plates
7.6.3. Calendars & Classroom Organizers
7.6.4. Flash Card - study stack
7.6.5. Flash card exchange
7.6.6. Form filler
7.6.7. Holiday & Seasonal Worksheets
7.6.8. Super Teacher Worksheets
7.6.9. Newsletters
7.6.10. Monthly News
7.6.11. Free Internet Tools for Teachers
7.7. Clipart
7.7.1. DiscoveryEducation
7.7.2. School-Clipart
7.7.3. TeacherFiles
7.8. ABCteach - Interactive Activities
7.9. Rubrics
7.9.1. RubiStar
7.9.2. Rubrics 4 Teachers
7.9.3. iRubrics
7.10. Flipped Textbook
7.11. Picture, Photo, & Image Editing & Organizing
7.11.1. Aviary
7.11.2. Foto Flexer
7.11.3. Photo Funia
7.11.4. Picasa
7.11.5. Pixenate
7.11.6. Fotobabble
7.12. Random
7.13. Create your own interactive textbooks - Active Textbooks
8. assess
8.1. Digital Literacy tour
8.2. A pedagogical framework for mobile learning
8.3. ELS Video: making video quizzes
8.4. learner analytics
9. practice
9.1. Vocab
9.1.1. Vivid Vocab
9.1.2. iVerb
9.1.3. Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, ...
9.1.4. Vivid Vocab Video - YouTube
9.1.5. SpellingCity.com
9.1.6. Vocabster
9.1.7. Highlighting Lexical Chunks with Diigo
9.1.8. Flashcardstash
9.2. Grammar
9.2.1. Gramster
9.2.2. English4u
9.2.3. Ego4u
9.2.4. Oxford Practice Grammar
9.2.5. Road to Grammar
9.2.6. Self-Study English Grammar
9.2.7. Check your grammar online: Grammarly
9.3. language
9.3.1. Mindsnacks I Gamification Blog
9.3.2. Super Readers Challenge : PBS LearningMedia
9.3.3. Idiom Site.com: Find out the meaning of common idioms
9.4. Writing
9.4.1. The Write-n-ator! Writing for younger students:
9.4.2. Easybib- Guides to better Writing
9.5. Spelling
9.5.1. SpellingCity.com
9.6. Speaking
9.6.1. Voxopop: A voice-based eLearning-Tool
9.7. iPhone Apps
9.7.1. ..for Educators
10. collect & reflect: ePortfolios & more
10.1. FolioHD
10.2. WordPress>Simple Portfolio
10.3. penzu.com
10.4. Padlet
10.5. ePortfolio
10.6. ePortfolio for advanced purposes
10.7. desire2learn
10.8. iPad e-Portfolio Apps
10.9. Fantastic Tackk about E-Portfolios by TechChef4U
10.10. 8 recommended iPad Apss by Teachthought
10.11. Which portfolio is the best for you?
11. organize: tools & more
11.1. Doodle
11.2. SurveyMonkey
11.3. kubbu.com
11.4. Android Apps
11.4.1. Attendance
11.4.2. Grade Book
11.4.3. Grade Rubric
11.4.4. Grade Ticker
11.5. lesson plans
11.5.1. A to Z teacher stuff
11.5.2. Discovery Education
11.5.3. Scholastic
11.5.4. Teacher.net
11.5.5. Lesson Plans Page
11.6. Evernote
11.7. Read it later
11.8. EDU 2.0
11.9. 25 killer dropbox tips and tricks
11.10. MERAKI: manage your mobile devices from the cloud (for iPAD, MAC, Android and PC)
12. gamify: interactive games & more
12.1. Games
12.1.1. Preloaded:Games with purpose
12.1.2. Crickweb
12.1.3. Funbrain
12.1.4. Discovery.com's Games
12.1.5. Shepphard Software
12.1.6. National Geographic Games
12.1.7. FunSchool
12.1.8. Primary Games
12.1.9. Educational Games on NobelPrize.org
12.1.10. Prongo
12.1.11. Childtopia
12.1.12. Knowledge Adventure
12.1.13. Learning Games for kids
12.1.14. Multiplication.com
12.1.15. Play Kids Games
12.1.16. Hooda Math
12.1.17. 4Kids.org
12.1.18. Math Playground
12.1.19. Mission US: For Crown or Colony? : PBS LearningMedia
12.2. Blogs
12.2.1. Play to Learn: Digital Games in ELT
13. learn: moocs & friends
13.1. EDU 2.0
13.2. Open Educational Resources
13.3. Online College Classes
13.4. 500 free Online Courses
14. differentiate
14.1. Using Digital Tools for Differentiation
14.2. The Differentiator
15. promote higher order thinking
15.1. Taxonomy of Socratic Questioning
15.2. Blooming Apps
15.3. Bloom's digital taxonomy wheel and knowledge dimension
15.4. practice critical thinking skills
16. visualize:
16.1. Graphic Organizers
16.2. 5 Steps to Create a Powerful Visual
16.3. Visual Storytelling
16.4. piktochart
16.5. creately - online diagramming and collaboration
16.6. periodic table of visualization methods
16.7. visual.ly
16.8. visuwords
16.9. easel.ly
16.10. gliffy
16.11. infogr.am
16.12. Lucidchart: Create Charts Collaboratively
16.13. Guide to Creating Effective Posters
17. get in touch with others
17.1. United Classroom
17.2. eTwinning
18. embrace new technologies
18.1. Interactive White Boards
18.1.1. 9 insightful videos about using SMART Boards in the Classroom
18.1.2. PolyVision ēno whiteboards: A great alternative to the SMART Board
18.1.3. The Eno Interactive Whiteboard – A Teacher’s First Glimpse
18.1.4. Taking Mimio’s low-cost, portable Interactive White Board device for a test run
18.1.5. Using The iPad As A Digital Whiteboard (Plus 4 Cool Free Apps To Try It Out)
18.1.6. ZigZagBoard
18.1.7. SyncSpace
18.1.8. Jot!Free
18.1.9. 4Free Digital Whiteboard iPad Apps
18.1.10. Dabbleboard
18.1.11. Whiteboards: Promethean Planet
18.1.12. 6 free online collaborative interactive whiteboards
18.2. Augmented Reality
18.2.1. AR Apps
18.3. iPad
18.3.1. Apps in Education
18.3.2. iPads in Primary Education
18.3.3. EmergingEd Tech iPad Apps
18.3.4. Free iPad Apps for Educators and Parents
18.3.5. Apple iOS 6 Guided Access Boon for High-Stakes Testing with iPads
18.3.6. School Edition - BuzzMath
18.3.7. Preschool Memory Match
18.3.8. Times Tables Quiz!
18.3.9. Trainyard Express
18.3.10. BrainPOP Featured Movie
18.3.11. Amazing Shape Puzzle Lite
18.3.12. My Math App Flashcards
18.3.13. Math Puppy
18.3.14. Factor Samurai
18.3.15. 40 Apps for Science
18.3.16. Animations & Drawing: Do Ink