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IDEOLOGIES OF GLOBALIZATION By. Manfred B. Steger by Mind Map: IDEOLOGIES OF GLOBALIZATION           By. Manfred B. Steger

1. Introduction

1.1. This article seeks to establish that globalism not only represents a set of political ideas and beliefs coherent enough to warrant the status of a new ideology, but also constitutes the dominated ideology of our time against which all of its challengers much define themselves.

2. Globalization: Process, Condition and Ideology

2.1. Process: It is a set of processes of economic, social, cultural, technological or institution that contribute to societies and individuals' relationships worldwide.

2.2. Condition: This doing everything to improve the working conditions faced by workers by offering mechanisms and such more.

2.3. Ideology It endows a concept of globalism with a particular concept or value. A form of social or political philosophy of ideology in which practical elements are ones prominent as theoretical ones.

3. Six Core Claims of Globalism

3.1. Claim One: Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of markets.

3.1.1. Globalization and markets constitute to its twin core concepts.

3.2. Claim Two: Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.

3.2.1. Turns on the adjacent concept of Historical Inevitability.

3.3. Claim Six: Globalization requires a global war on terror.

3.3.1. Decontestation chain attests to globalism political responsiveness and conceptual flexibility.

3.4. Claim Two: Nobody is in charge of globalization.

3.4.1. Hinges on the classical liberal concept of the self-regulating market.

3.5. Claim Four: Globalization benefits everyone in a long run.

3.5.1. Draws on the powerful socialist vision of establishing an economic paradise.

3.6. Claim Five: Globalization furthers the spread of democracy.

3.6.1. Links globalization and markets to adjacent concept of democracy.

4. Conclusion: Reclassifying Ideologies

4.1. Conclusion talks about the "experimental exercise" designed to bring the insights gained from Steger's critical analysis of globalism to bear on the necessary project of reclassifying conventional political belief system.