Detail Oriented

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Detail Oriented by Mind Map: Detail Oriented

1. Straightening

1.1. Leveling

1.1.1. Plumb-line

1.1.2. Ruler Measuring tape

1.2. Nudging

1.3. Lining up

2. Drafting

2.1. Mechanical Pencil

2.1.1. Self-drawing line

2.2. Diagrams

2.2.1. Seating chart

2.2.2. Diagram-to-reality

3. Thorough

3.1. Complete

3.1.1. Puzzle

3.1.2. Pie chart

3.1.3. Checklist To-do list

3.2. Fine-tooth comb

3.3. a to z

4. Neatness

4.1. Items in a row

4.1.1. Ducks in a row

4.2. White linen

4.3. White-glove test

5. Polished

6. Close-up

6.1. Magnifying Glass

6.1.1. Blurred/distorted outside ring

6.2. Pixel Details

6.3. Tiny

6.4. Monocle

7. Perfectionism

7.1. Dotting Is, crossing Ts

7.2. Pixel Perfect

7.3. Tweezers

7.4. Lining up elements

7.4.1. Spatial relations

8. Fancy!

8.1. White gloves

8.2. Silver platter

9. Specifics

9.1. Mastercard-style info

9.2. Composition

9.2.1. Tags

9.2.2. Elements combining