Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Literacy

1.1. the capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it

1.2. Will was in line at the bank and his phone started ringing and he ignored it until he was finished at the bank.

1.3. Kris was checking out at the store while he was talking on his phone.

2. Digital Law

2.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use

2.2. Brian follows all the rules and restrictions of a website.

2.3. Sal illegally took a picture from a wbsite and didn't give them credit for it.

3. Digital Security

3.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to gaurantee their personal safety and the security of their network

3.2. Callahan created a Facebook and uses all the security settings so only people he adds as friends can see what he post.

3.3. Cally created a Facebook and put all of her information on it, including her address and phone number.

4. Digital Rights And Responsibilities

4.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expections that come with them

4.2. Brad took a picture from a website and the gave the website credit for that picture.

4.3. Shane was harassing others through instant messaging and was not using IM for what is was created for.

5. Digital Health and Wellness

5.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use

5.2. Aurora only spends a half hour a day on her computer a day.

5.3. Joey spends at least 5 hours a day on Facebook and Twitter.

6. Digital Access

6.1. Full electronic participation on society

6.2. Lexi was making sure that she did everything right on her digital life.

6.3. James was using a lot of slang on Twitter.

7. Digital Communication

7.1. The electronic exchange of information

7.2. Dylan texted Trey and asked him what the homework was for the night.

7.3. Alex makes fun of Jordan online for everyone to see.

8. Digital commerce

8.1. The buying and selling of goods online

8.2. To not lie about the item that you are selling.

8.3. Using other persons names to buy items.

9. Digital Etipuette

9.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

9.2. Michelle turns off her phone before the movie starts.

9.3. Nikki answers her phone while in the movie theater.