9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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9 Elements of Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Access

1.1. Definition of Digital Access: Full electronic paricipation in society

1.2. Appropriate Use: Not taking advantage of your online access at school.

1.3. Inappropriate Use: Not doing what you are assigned and going on a different website

2. Digital Commerce

2.1. Definition of Digital Commerce: The buying and selling of goods online

2.2. Appropriate Use: Buying your mom a gift for mothers day.

2.3. Inappropriate Use: Buying something to harm or upset someone.

3. Digital Communication

3.1. Appropriate Use: Sending your mom a text message telling her you got a good grade on a test.

3.2. Inappropriate Use:Sending inappropriate text messages/ pictures to your friends.

4. Digital Etiquette

4.1. Definition of Digital Etiquette: The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

4.2. Appropiate Use: Not using your phone during class.

4.3. Inappropriate Use: Texting during class when the teacher is talking.

5. Digital Securty

5.1. Definition:The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

5.2. Appropriate use:Useing protective programs like fire walls.

5.3. Inappropiate use:Is hacking in to other peoples coumputers and accounts.

6. Ditital Literacy

6.1. Definition:The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.

6.2. Appropriate use:Useing technology doing your work.

6.3. Inappropiate use:Teach's not allowing students to do there work on the coumputers.

7. Health & Wellness

7.1. Definition:The elemets of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

7.2. Appropriate use:Useing like 30 mins to a hour on electronics.

7.3. Inappropiate use:Useing 6 to 8 hours on electonics.

8. Ditial Law

8.1. Definition:The legal rights and restrictions governing tecnology use.

8.2. Appropriate use:Useing your own work instead of some one else's

8.3. Inappropiate use:Copying someone else's work

9. Digital rights & Responsibilities

9.1. Definition:The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology user,and the behavioral expetations that come with them.

9.2. Appropriate use:Not downloading anything form websites.

9.3. Inappropiate use:Downloading movies and music and selling it.