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All about me! by Mind Map: All about me!

1. The best learning styles

1.1. Doing Learning Style

1.2. Visual Learning Style

2. Intelligence

2.1. Intrapersonal

2.1.1. I do control my feeling a lot!

2.2. Interpersonal

2.2.1. I am always paying attention to others!

2.3. Visual/Spatial

2.3.1. I actually don't love math and engineering something...

3. The best work style

3.1. exciting and high-pressured

3.1.1. I like to work with responsibilities

4. Interests

4.1. Math skill

4.1.1. I don't love math, but I like to calculate the amount of something when we hold some events

4.2. Working with the public

4.2.1. I would like to work on my own rather than with friends, but I love to do a big project with people.

5. Thinker

5.1. Creative problem solver

5.2. Conceptual thinker

5.3. Analytical thinker

5.4. Logical thinker

6. Independent worker

6.1. I would prefer to work on my own rather than to work with others, but it doesn't mean that I don't love to work with people. I do love to work with my friends especially when we are working on a big project!

7. gravitate toward leadership roles.

7.1. Yes, I often become a leader.

8. Good computer programmer, scientist.

8.1. Actually, I don't really love science though...