Same Difference

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Same Difference создатель Mind Map: Same Difference

1. Sports

2. Images

2.1. Cover Page

2.2. Student Life

3. 20 words

3.1. different faces

3.2. different backgrounds

3.3. same purpose

3.4. Different paths

3.5. One destination

3.6. different stories

3.7. experiences

3.8. faith

3.9. Different school uniform colors

3.10. different flags

3.11. from different countries

3.12. different directions

3.13. unique talents

3.14. uniquely different from the world

3.15. Created from the same image of god

3.16. Mks

3.17. tourist slogan

3.18. different dreams

3.19. different languages

3.20. Different purposes for our hands

4. 10 words

4.1. we're the same as the world

4.2. same same but different

4.3. same struggles

4.4. same testimonies

4.5. different

4.6. same background

4.7. Same people

4.8. Same ehtnicity

4.9. everybodys hand is the same

4.10. we're not unique