Views of Students about Technology, Effects of Technology on Daily Living and their Professiona...

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Views of Students about Technology, Effects of Technology on Daily Living and their Professional Preference by Mind Map: Views of Students about Technology, Effects of Technology on Daily Living and their   Professional Preference

1. Scanning

1.1. The article shows the rapid evolution of technology especially in a house with children/ students. Figures were noted to show this increase. A survey was conducted in a private school in Ankara where109 students from 6th and 7th grades were asked about their views on what technology is, the benefits and harms of technology and also about the professions they would like to perform in the future. Data was obtained and was analyzed. 3 main open ended questions were asked. After the analysis, a conclusion, discussion and suggestion were proposed.

2. Extensive

3. Intensive

4. Type, Purpose, Features and Structure

4.1. Type: Online Journal

4.2. Purpose:

4.2.1. In a private school in Ankara, 109 students from 6th and 7th grades were asked about their views on what technology is, the benefits and harms of technology and also about the professions they would like to perform in the future

4.3. Structure

4.3.1. Introduction: Living in an era of technology/ Students are surrounded by technology/ Technology plays an important role in the life of students/ Students' definition on technology/ science and technology education is under risk across Europe

4.3.2. Method: Study group(109 students from 6th and 7th grades )/ Data Collection Tools and Analysis of Data(a survey with 3 open-ended questions sent to the 6th and 7thgrade their tablet computers.) The 3 questions: 1. What do you think technology is? Can you define with your own words? 2. Can you explain the benefits and harms of technology through examples? 3. What profession do you want to choose in the future?

4.3.3. Findings: Findings about the Definition of Technology/ Findings about the Benefits of Technology/ Findings about the Harms of Technology/ Findings about Professional Preferences

4.3.4. Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestion

5. Skimming

5.1. The article is mainly about the views of students about technology and its impact on their daily life and professional preferences. It also focus on how students make use of technology in their day to day living. The benefit and harm were identified as well.