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Possibilities by Mind Map: Possibilities

1. Places we go

1.1. Cafe / Restaurant

1.1.1. Bumping into people we know coincidentally.

1.2. Washroom

1.2.1. Enter the wrong washroom Eg : Male enter female washroom OR Female enter male washroom

2. Behaviour

2.1. Positive

2.1.1. Punctual to class;

2.1.2. Obedient to parents and teachers;etc.

2.2. Negative

2.2.1. Play truant;

2.2.2. vandalisme

3. Gamble

3.1. Throwing dice

3.1.1. Chances of getting '6' consecutively. Low High

3.2. Buying 4D / Toto

3.2.1. Chances of getting grand prize One in a billion

4. Pregnancy

4.1. With family plan

4.1.1. Protection via using condom

4.1.2. Contraception Pills

4.2. Low chance of conceiving a baby.

4.2.1. Try very hard( for years ).But couldn't conceive a baby due to health condition.

5. Disabilities

5.1. Blind / Handicapped

5.1.1. Never give up and chase their dream

5.1.2. Give up and look down on themselves.

5.2. Normal human beings

5.2.1. Normal life with stable family and house income

5.2.2. Selfish people. Prioritize money and status. Look down on poor people