Elements of Poetry (Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy)

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Elements of Poetry (Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy) by Mind Map: Elements of Poetry  (Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy)

1. imagery

1.1. The Barbie doll symbolizes the perfection that the girl is struggling to obtain. It is the sheer image of beauty and it's a comparison to the girl because a Barbie doll is everything she is not.

2. Simile

2.1. to show how tired the female got when trying to maintain the perfect image “Her good nature wore out / like a fan belt” and eventually the girlchild gave up (15-16). She sacrificed herself to the Beauty Gods and “…she cut off her nose and her legs” (17).

3. Symbol

3.1. symbolizes the perfection that the girl is struggling to obtain. It is the sheer image of beauty and it's a comparison to the girl because a Barbie doll is everything she is not.