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service learning by Mind Map: service learning

1. 2. Essential theories and pedagogy of service learning

1.1. is it just above and beyond or valued as a part of work load

1.2. a model of reform?

1.3. instead of external reform should be framed as inherent to our work as educators and

2. 1. What are the most promising actions? (design delivery and impact)

2.1. knowledge skills and attitudes

3. community engagement outcomes

3.1. social capital

4. student outcomes and benfits

5. institutional benefits

6. community stakeholder benefits

7. outcomes of review

7.1. understand outcomes and products

7.2. determine effective faculty action

7.3. identify teaching tools to best support learners and settings

7.4. increase understanding of impact of service learning on collaborative partnerships

8. barriers political and structural

8.1. recognition of worth and work needed to establish

8.2. resource investement

8.3. associations with less traditional ..radical social activism

8.4. structural - not hard wired into the finances of an institution

8.5. faculty skeptism

9. definition of service learning

10. 3. Ethics and related cautions of service learning

11. Article