Electricity and Power

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Electricity and Power by Mind Map: Electricity and Power

1. Power

1.1. Energy in Action

1.2. Joules/Second

1.3. Coloumbs/second

1.4. J/s

1.5. C/s

1.6. Watts

1.6.1. VoltagexCurrent

1.7. Energy/Second

2. Current

2.1. Electron Flow

2.2. Ampers

2.3. 1 Coloumb/second = 1 Watt

3. Symbols

3.1. Battery

3.2. Variable Resistor

3.3. Fuse

3.4. Open Switch

3.5. Lamp

3.6. Closed Switch

3.7. Resistor

3.7.1. Reduce Current

3.7.2. stop overheating

4. Resistance

4.1. Slows Current

4.2. Outputs Heat

5. Circuits

5.1. Parallel

5.1.1. Multiplies Amperage

5.1.2. Adjacent

5.1.3. Split Power

5.2. Series

5.2.1. Loop

5.2.2. No Splits

5.2.3. Shared Voltage

5.2.4. Same Ampage

6. Metres

6.1. Ammetre

6.1.1. Ampers

6.1.2. in Series

6.2. Voltmetre

6.2.1. Parallel

7. Voltage

7.1. Pushes Current

7.2. Electrical Pressure

8. What Is Electricity

8.1. Charged Electrons

8.2. Electrical Current

9. Conductors

9.1. Electrons roam freely

9.2. Bad conductos make good resistors

10. Equations

10.1. 1 Amp = 1 Coloumb

10.1.1. I coloumb/second = 1 Watt

10.2. Volt/second = 1 Joule

10.2.1. 1 Joule/Second = 1 Watt