Online Community Managment

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Online Community Managment by Mind Map: Online Community Managment

1. Community Managers

1.1. strategist

1.1.1. build, grow and manage a company’s or brand’s online communities

1.2. policies

1.3. engage members

1.3.1. use social media and live events to help increase brand loyalty

1.4. know who are what your demographics are

2. OCP's

2.1. social netwotrking

2.2. community support

2.3. customer satisfaction

2.4. increase interactions

3. Soft Launch

3.1. test out

3.2. fix any problems

4. Demographics

4.1. know who are what your demographics are

4.2. Target audience

4.2.1. what they like/dont like

4.2.2. tailor your content to fit that audience

4.3. feedback/analytics

4.3.1. what works and what doesnt

4.4. KPI's

4.4.1. engaement

4.4.2. shares/likes

4.4.3. customer retention

4.4.4. traffic

5. check in on your community regularly

5.1. online support

5.2. Q&A

5.3. FAQ

6. What do we do?

6.1. Social media

6.1.1. monitoring

6.2. Target audiences

6.2.1. engaging

6.3. Current customers

6.3.1. measuring

6.3.2. moderating

7. No managment

7.1. Lose customers

7.2. No networking

7.3. No feedback/resolutions

8. What is online community management

8.1. A community gives people a sense of belonging as well as a network of people with whom they may connect based on common interests and/or traits.

9. Set realistic goals to achieve

9.1. posts are consistent and regular

9.1.1. have a plan/schedule

9.1.2. audience knows when you will post

9.1.3. increase awareness

9.2. check analytics to see results

9.2.1. gather feeedback data understand likes/dislikes

9.3. public perception

9.3.1. positive PR

9.3.2. brand advocates

9.4. educate/inform new customers

9.4.1. what product is

9.4.2. how it is used

10. listen to your community

10.1. improve your community

10.2. interact with all new members asap

10.3. be authentic

10.3.1. stay consistant