1: what is pharmacology

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1: what is pharmacology by Mind Map: 1: what is pharmacology

1. Pharmacology disciplines

1.1. Neuropharmacology

1.2. Cardiovascular pharmacology

1.3. Molecular pharmacology

1.4. Biochemical pharmacology

1.5. Behavioural pharmacology

1.6. Endocrine pharmacology

1.7. Clinical pharmacology

1.8. Chemotherapy

1.9. Systems and integrated pharmacology

1.10. Veterinary pharmacology

2. Drugs

2.1. drug names

2.1.1. chemical name

2.1.2. generic name

2.1.3. trade name

2.2. prescription or over the counter

2.3. source

2.3.1. plants

2.3.2. animals and humans

2.3.3. minerals

2.3.4. synthetic

3. scope of pharmacology

3.1. pharmacokinetics

3.2. pharmacodynamics

4. scientific basis of pharmacology

4.1. pharmacokinetics & dynamics

4.2. pharmacotherapeutics

4.2.1. Type of therapy acute empiric maintenance palliative prophylactic replacement supportive supplemental

4.3. pharmaceutical development

4.4. pharmacoviginalce

4.5. pharamacoeconomics

4.5.1. cost-minimization analysis (CMA)

4.5.2. cost - effectiveness analysis (CEA)

4.5.3. cost - benefit analysis (CBA)

4.5.4. cost - utility analysis (CUA)

4.6. pharmacoepidimiology

5. drug development phases

5.1. pre-clincal

5.1.1. application submission from FDA

5.1.2. animal studies

5.2. clinical

5.2.1. Phase I

5.2.2. Phase II

5.2.3. Phase III

5.2.4. Phase IV

6. Drug dosage forms

6.1. oral

6.2. parenteral

6.2.1. subcutaneous

6.2.2. intramuscular

6.2.3. intravenous

6.2.4. spinal

6.3. topical

6.4. inhalation