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Screen Capturing Part 2 создатель Mind Map: Screen Capturing  Part 2

1. Audiovisual media

1.1. Images

1.1.1. Our first lesson https://youtu.be/bae65EzFDsI Browser and Screen Capturing Part 1

1.1.2. One single image provides a lot of information

1.2. Video

1.2.1. Training on computer-based processes

1.2.2. Video is often smaller in file size

1.2.3. Audio quality plays a similar big role

2. Screen-based instructional video

2.1. Show something in your computer that is of value for others

2.1.1. Software?

2.1.2. Resource?

2.1.3. Service?

2.2. Between 2 and 3 minutes

2.2.1. Which information is most important? Quick but thorough

2.2.2. Which is information is better shared as a resource?

2.2.3. Rehearse at least once Wandering presentations are horrible

2.3. Your audience

2.3.1. Students

2.3.2. Impatient

2.4. 3 main components

2.4.1. Slide show about the content

2.4.2. The content Main points Sequencing

2.4.3. Your delivery Voice inflexions Rythm

3. Software for screen capturing

3.1. Open Broadcaster Software | OBS

3.1.1. Captures media

3.1.2. Streams media

3.1.3. Edits media

4. Setting up

4.1. Same considerations with the capturing of voice

4.2. Frame size of your recording

4.2.1. 800 X 600

4.2.2. 1280 X 720

4.2.3. 1920 X 1080

4.2.4. 3840 X 2160

4.3. Do not show personal Information

4.3.1. Background Solid color

4.3.2. Folder names Put all the desktop files in a temporary out-of-view folder

4.3.3. Browser history