by Benjamin Fisher-Alvarez
1. Kings
2. Knights
2.1. Responsibilities
2.1.1. Defend their lord's land
2.2. Rights
2.2.1. was free in his person and in possessions
2.3. Enviroment
2.3.1. lived without working
2.3.2. status came with warrior ability
3. Nobles
3.1. Responsibilities
3.1.1. Provide serfs with housing
3.1.2. Provide serfs with protection
3.2. Rights
3.2.1. could raise troops
3.3. Enviroment
3.3.1. Lived in comfortable Manor
4. Peasants/Serfs
4.1. Responsibilities
4.1.1. Till Land
4.1.2. Care for animals
4.1.3. Give portion of their grain to lord
4.2. Rights
4.2.1. Couldn't leave land
4.2.2. Couldn't be sold or bought
4.3. Enviroment
4.3.1. Stayed within 25 mi. of land
4.3.2. Life was uncomplicated- simple
5. Clergy/Church Officials
5.1. Responsibilities
5.1.1. Administer necessary sacraments
5.2. Rights
5.2.1. New node
5.3. Enviroment
5.3.1. New node