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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Peasants/Surfs

1.1. Responsibilities

1.1.1. They had to take care of the land that their lords owned

1.2. Rights

1.2.1. Didnt have many rights, they were forced to stay on the land where they were born. They were not allowed to be sold or traded

1.3. Environment

1.3.1. They didnt live a very nice life. They didnt have much to entertain themselves with other than themselves and work

2. Clergy/Church Officials

2.1. Responsibilities

2.1.1. Help the poeple

2.1.2. Look after the spiritual life of the flocks

2.2. Rights

2.2.1. Church officals had the power to decide your fate

2.3. Environment

2.3.1. Luxurious life, fit for a king

3. King

3.1. Responsibilities

3.1.1. Take care of the country, protect the rights of the people

3.2. Rights

3.2.1. They had the right to control the country, and make decisions

3.3. Environment

3.3.1. Upper class, wealthy, lives in a palace or castle of somesort

4. Knights

4.1. Responsibilities

4.1.1. They had to constantly be ready to defend land, so they were working almost all the time

4.2. Rights

4.2.1. Train noble sons

4.3. Environment

4.3.1. They were mounted horseman who protected their lords' lands in return for fiefs

5. Nobles

5.1. Responsibilities

5.1.1. Held own court of justice, lord of all who settled on his land, raise troops

5.2. Rights

5.2.1. Coined own money, free in persons and possesions

5.3. Environment

5.3.1. Lavish estates