A.S.P.E.C.T. & Web Evaluation
by Kayla Mcgill
1. A
1.1. Authority
1.1.1. Who was the author?
2. S
2.1. Sources
3. P
3.1. Purpose
4. E
4.1. Eveness
5. T
5.1. Timeliness
6. C
6.1. Coverage
7. By: Kayla McGill
8. By: Kayla McGill
9. Fake Websites
9.1. Incorrect URL
9.2. Asks for banking information
9.3. New node
10. URL is incorrect
11. Asks for banking information
12. Insecure website
13. Weird login page
14. A
14.1. Who wrote it?
15. S
15.1. From where?
16. P
16.1. Why?
17. E
17.1. Are they bias, fair?
18. C
18.1. Was everything you needed to know covered?
19. T
19.1. Up to date? Shouldn't be from the year 2000!
20. Incorrect spelling
21. Low resolution