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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Peasants/Serfs

1.1. Environment

1.1.1. lord's manor

1.1.2. about 30 families live there

1.2. Responsibilities

1.2.1. working in the field

1.2.2. providing the lord with part of their grain

1.3. Rights

1.3.1. could not leave the land where they were born

1.3.2. could not be bought or sold

1.3.3. provided with housing and protection from lords

2. Clergy

2.1. Environment

2.1.1. manor

2.1.2. villages

2.2. Responsibilities

2.2.1. administer sacraments

2.2.2. absolve people of their sins

2.3. Rights

2.3.1. respect from the people

3. Pope

4. Nobles

4.1. Environment

4.1.1. church

4.1.2. manor

4.2. Responsibilities

4.2.1. pray for people

4.3. Rights

4.3.1. rich

5. Knights

5.1. Environment

5.1.1. lord's manor

5.2. Responsibilities

5.2.1. defending lords lands

5.3. Rights

5.3.1. received fiefs