Crime Vocabulary

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Crime Vocabulary by Mind Map: Crime Vocabulary

1. Pay

1.1. Pagar

1.2. Giving a person an anunt of money or someting

2. Punishments

2.1. Castigo

2.2. Is a sancfion or penalty imposed on a coomunity or individual

3. Limitation

3.1. Limitaciones

3.2. The action of estabilishing or

4. Criminals

4.1. Criminales

4.2. Any individual who commits a crime or is involed

5. Bulgars

5.1. Ladrones

5.2. That steals or steals

6. Thieves

6.1. Ladrones

6.2. That steals or steals

7. Robbers

7.1. Ladrones

7.2. That steals or steals

8. Shoplifters

8.1. Ladrones de tiendas

8.2. That steals or steals

9. Death penalty

9.1. Pena de muerte

9.2. The death penalty is an estadished puhishmentfollowing the ruling of a judge

10. Freedom

10.1. Libertad

10.2. Faculty and law of the people

11. Criminology

11.1. Criminologia

11.2. The scientific to study of crimen and criminals

12. Philosophed

12.1. Filosof@

12.2. Aperson engagedor learned in philosohy

13. Peacefully

13.1. Pacificamente

13.2. Person who does not use violense

14. Breaks

14.1. Rompe

14.2. Break or shatter

15. Laws

15.1. Leyes

15.2. Rule or norm estabilied by a higher authority

16. Kidnappers

16.1. Secuestradores

16.2. Person who comits a kidnapping

17. Pick pochets

17.1. Ladrones de carteras

17.2. Person who robs a store