Frankenstein vs. Bladerunner

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Frankenstein vs. Bladerunner by Mind Map: Frankenstein vs. Bladerunner

1. Technology's impact on society

1.1. Dr. Tyrell = Victor

1.1.1. Dr. Tyrell act as creator of replicants

1.1.2. Victor creates the Monster

1.2. Creations act as creator's downfall

1.2.1. the Monster kills Victor's loved ones and ultimately him

1.2.2. replicant Roy killed Dr. Tyrell after realizing there was no way to extend his life

1.3. New node

2. Creations in the end realize a lesson and change for the better

2.1. Frankenstein, after Victor dies, admits his mistake and finds no purpose in life. Goes off to die

2.2. Roy, after talking to Dr. Tyrell and realizing there is no cure to their limited lifespan, saves Deckard and realizes that although he may not be able to live as long a life as humans, he has experienced and seen things no other human has due to his genetic enhancements

3. Creations excel in one aspect and lack in another

3.1. Frankenstein is superhuman with more strength, endurance, stamina, yet is deformed and therefore alone

3.1.1. desires a companion

3.2. Replicants are stronger, intellectual (some), genetically enhanced, yet are only given a 4 year lifespan

3.2.1. desires longer life