Empowering an Ineffective Teacher (The Case of Ms Rita and the 'Blur' Class)

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Empowering an Ineffective Teacher (The Case of Ms Rita and the 'Blur' Class) by Mind Map: Empowering an Ineffective Teacher  (The Case of Ms Rita and the 'Blur' Class)


1.1. Students are not engaged and are not learning

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Ms Rita is not catering to the needs and abilities of her class

2. What we need to DO

2.1. Hui Min

2.1.1. Information Processing

2.2. Sarah

2.2.1. Piaget

2.2.2. Erikson

2.3. Angel

2.3.1. Vygotsky

2.4. Jacqueline

2.4.1. Zimmerman

2.5. Johanna

2.5.1. Skinner

2.5.2. Value/Expectancy Theory

2.6. Everyone

2.6.1. Pedagogical Skills

3. What we KNOW

3.1. Students

3.1.1. Unmotivated

3.1.2. Prior knowledge insufficient

3.2. Ms Rita

3.2.1. Inexperienced teacher

3.2.2. Enthusiastic teacher

3.2.3. Student Management Did not address the students' confusion Inflexble: Carried on with the lesson despite it not working Blatant disapproval of students

3.2.4. Easily discouraged

3.2.5. Open to suggestions

4. What we NEED to know

4.1. Students

4.1.1. What are the students' needs?

4.1.2. How do students learn? New node

4.2. Ms Rita

4.2.1. How can she create a more conducive learning environment? New node

4.2.2. What motivates her in her teaching? New node

4.2.3. How can she better utilize suggestions?

4.2.4. How can she better organize her lesson?