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Theories von Mind Map: Theories

1. Technology Theories

1.1. Media Ecology

1.1.1. The study of media as an environment

1.1.2. Studying media as an environment attempts to answers questions such as how media affects our actions and our feelings, how media affects our learning, and what roles we play in a world full of media.

1.1.3. technology affects humans

1.2. Social Construction of Technology

1.2.1. not only a theory but a method of determining why a certain technology did or did not succeed

1.2.2. human action shapes technology

1.2.3. technical criteria that determines success


2.1. Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge

2.1.1. Content Knowledge is what you know about a certain subject. e.g. Mathematics

2.1.2. Pedagogy is knowing how to teach that knowledge to others

2.1.3. Technology is knowing how to integrate technology into either the subject or teaching of the subject

2.2. Main criticism is that TPACK shouldn't be thought of as the "full view" of technological integration in education

2.3. looking at the interconnection of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge in order to improve integration of all three into a teaching style

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. An individual teachers personal philosophy about how they incorporate technology in their teaching.

3.2. includes a person's ideas and opinions on technology playing an active role in the classroom

3.3. often includes an educator's personal learning style as well as their teaching style

4. Learning Theories

4.1. Constructivism

4.1.1. Learners construct ideas from previous knowledge to understand a new concept

4.1.2. In the classroom, learners are responsible for their own understanding of new knowledge

4.1.3. Learning is active

4.2. Connectivism

4.2.1. Knowledge can be absorbed from sources other than humans. i.e. networks. Learning is part of a social network

4.2.2. In the classroom, learners are in control of gaining their own knowledge from sources other than the teacher

4.2.3. Active learning process

4.3. Cognitive Load

4.3.1. There are limits on the amount of knowledge that the human brain is able to absorb during the learning process

4.3.2. The idea that the mind has structures such as; working memory (new knowledge), long term memory (storage), and schema. All of which have a maximum capacity

4.3.3. In the classroom, cognitive load theory includes a lot of repetition, knowledge presented in compressed amounts, and clear design principles