Philosophers and their ideas had large impacts on the democratic revolutions of England, the U.S....

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Philosophers and their ideas had large impacts on the democratic revolutions of England, the U.S., France and Latin America. by Mind Map: Philosophers and their ideas had large impacts on the democratic revolutions of England, the U.S., France and Latin America.

1. Charles-Louis Montesquieu

2. John Locke

3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

4. Simon Bolivar

5. Thomas Jefferson

6. James Madison

7. Philosophers had a powerful shaping effect on the progression towards democracy in England

7.1. Create a magazine article with pictures to compare and contrast the appeal of the philosophies of John Lock with Thomas Hobbes.

8. Philosophers had a powerful effect on the adoption of democracy in France

8.1. As Alexis de Tocqueville (in the future, somehow), create a podcast (audio or visual) to analyze the differences in implementation and outcome of philosophical thought in the French and American Revolutions.

9. Philosophers had a powerful effect on the adoption of democracy in the United States

9.1. Hold a class debate, with half of the class representing the theory and philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, the other half that of Alexander Hamilton. Each side will present a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation to be presented before discussion.

10. Philosophers had a powerful effect on the democratic revolutions in Latin America

10.1. Create a political poster demonstrating the influence of the American Revolution and its leaders on Simon Bolivar's political goals, as well as one which supports his decision to assume a dictatorship.