Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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SEASONS создатель Mind Map: SEASONS

1. Blizzard

2. Snowfall

3. Frost

4. February

5. December

6. January

7. Weather

8. Months

9. Frosty

10. Rainy

11. Foggy

12. November

13. October

14. September

15. Weather

16. Months


18. July

19. June

20. Months

21. Months

22. Spring

23. Summer

24. Autumn

25. Winter

26. Stormy

27. Dew

28. Sunny

29. Weather

30. Thaw

31. Windy

32. Cloudy

33. May

34. March

34.1. April

35. Weather