Celeste Smith

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Celeste Smith by Mind Map: Celeste Smith

1. Hobbies

1.1. Dancing

1.2. Drawing

1.3. Creating crafts

2. Friends & Relationships

2.1. Boyfriend

2.1.1. Hayden Bryant

2.2. Best Friends

2.2.1. Aurora Lillard

2.2.2. Amber Dunlap

3. Education

3.1. Elementary

3.1.1. Lehigh Elementary School

3.1.2. Mirror Lakes Elementary School

3.1.3. Gateway Elementary School

3.1.4. Veterans Park Academy for the Arts

3.2. Middle School

3.2.1. Veterans Park Academy for the Arts

3.3. High School

3.3.1. Lehigh Senior High School

3.4. College

3.4.1. University of Central Florida

4. Family

4.1. Parents

4.1.1. Mom-Shelly Smith

4.1.2. Dad-Donald Smith

4.2. Siblings

4.2.1. Brother-D.J. Smith

4.2.2. Sister-Courtney Smith