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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Educational Technologies

1.1. Media Ecology

1.1.1. Technology influences society

1.1.2. The medium is the message

1.1.3. Study of media environments

1.1.4. Communication, technology and techniques as well as modes of information play a role in human affairs Human affairs-Teaching TPACK

1.1.5. Humans effected by technology

1.2. Social Construction of Technology

1.2.1. Society and humanaction influencetechnology

1.2.2. TEchnology effected by humans

2. TPaCK

2.1. Attempts to identify the nature of knowledge needed for teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms. Attempts to combine 3 basic knowledges.

2.1.1. Technology Knowledge integration of technology in classroom setting. It is the focus on the tools used for a purpose and repurpose. Must compliment Pedagogy, and Content as well.

2.1.2. Pedagogy Knowledge How teachers teach. Includes planning, class rules, grouping, class room rules,etc... How you teach something to a student must respect the Content and Technology aspect of TPACK as well.

2.1.3. Content Knowledge What you are teaching to the student. Includes facts, concepts theories, mental models, analogies, framworks, and procedures.

2.2. Teachers must develop a sensitivity to the dynamic transactional relationship between the three compontents.

2.3. Teachers need to understand how technology related to the Pedegogy and Content

2.4. Not owned by anyone, many theorists.

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. Takes philosiphy of teaching and includes views on the role tecnology should play in education

3.2. Example of a Philosophy of Teachnology:

4. Connectivism

4.1. Relatively new theory - prevalent since 2006

4.2. Motto: A learning theory for the digital age

4.3. Knowledge is not a thing - it is a set of connections formed by actions and experience

4.4. Learning occurs outside the person

4.5. Ability to see connections among feilds, ideas and concepts.

4.6. Connectivism Educational Practices

4.6.1. Teach children where to find information

4.6.2. Teach children how to use technology to connect and find knowledge

4.6.3. Show children connections between ideas and concepts

4.7. Connectivism Technlogies

4.7.1. Twitter

4.7.2. Facebook

4.7.3. RRS feeds

4.7.4. Bookmarking Apps

5. Constructivism

5.1. Mind is a network

5.2. Teachers role is to facilitate learning

5.3. Learning occurs by building connections and interacting with environment

5.4. Learning consists of constructing student's own knowledge from student's own experiences (Individual's knowledge is a function of one's own experiences)

5.5. Teachers begin with a complex problem and teach the basic skills to solve problem.

5.6. Constructivism Educational Practices

5.6.1. problem based learning

5.6.2. Discovery learning

5.6.3. Active learning

5.6.4. Authentic tasks

5.6.5. Collaborative learning

5.7. Constructivism Technologies

5.7.1. Video games

5.7.2. Lego robotics

5.7.3. Google sites

5.7.4. Blogger

5.7.5. Wordpress

5.7.6. Wikispaces

6. Learning Theories

6.1. Cognitivism

6.1.1. Memory systems are active, organized processors of information

6.1.2. Prior knowledge is key

6.1.3. Not just behaviour, but also processes that occur INSIDE brain.

6.1.4. Idea of sensory/ST(Working memory)/LTMemory Working Memory: system in the mind which holds mulitple pieces of transitory information needed for verbal and non verbal tasks; makes them available for other tasks

6.1.5. Cognitivist Technologies Scratch Digital concept mapping Prezi Data bases Artificial intelligence

6.1.6. Cognitivism Educational Practices Mneumonic devices Practice to aid retention Give students meaning behind material to aid retention Do not overload student's working memory

6.2. Cognitive Load Theory

6.2.1. Processing of information can over or under load working memory

6.2.2. Teacher should make sure intrinsic load (Difficulty) is managed as well as extraneous load (Simplicity) Germane load is when schemas or connections are formed in the brain

6.2.3. Often times, students think they are not learning because there is something wrong with them, when infact it is the teaching method (fundamental attribution error)

6.2.4. Cognitive Load Theory Educational Practices User interface should not bombard learner - Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS), also general aestetics plays a role. Lay out of information should be organized in a meaningful way Teachers inch students closer and closer to the answer Chunking techniques used (Brain can hold 7 pieces of information, give or take 2) Practice for retention

6.3. Behaviourism

6.3.1. The mind is a black box.

6.3.2. Learning is the response from stimuli

6.3.3. Motto: Practice makes perfect

6.3.4. Use: Punishment and consequence, modeling, cuing and drill and practice

6.3.5. Primary mode of instruction is Lecture or Teacher directed instruction

6.3.6. Behaviourism Educational Practices Follow ciriculum Analyze student behaviour Use of classroom managemnet techniques

6.3.7. Behaviourist Technologies Math Blaster iClickers Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Online tutorials TED Talks/YouTube Brainpop Foursquare/huntingtonpost Microquest games