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Cold War por Mind Map: Cold War

1. Fear at home

1.1. Red Scare

1.1.1. fear that communists would take over

1.1.2. McCarthyism senator who falsely accused others

2. Koren War

2.1. 1950-1953

2.1.1. Back and forth war

2.1.2. North communist vs the non communist south

2.1.3. stalemate and armistice

2.2. Vietnam War

2.2.1. 1956-1976 north communist and south not communist Guerilla Warfare

3. End of Cold War

3.1. tension with US and USSR

3.2. Detente

3.3. Glasnost and Perestroika

4. Causes

4.1. communism VS. capitalism

4.1.1. economy

4.2. totalitarianism VS. Democracy

4.2.1. government

4.3. World War ll

5. Hot Wars

5.1. the US and Soviet union supported opposite sides of another war during the Cold war