Adult Lang. Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfunction
by Bethany Daniels
1. 60-80% of dementia patients have it
1.1. Alzheimer's
1.2. chronic, progressive, brain disease; suffered by 4.5 Americans
2. Delirium- state of temporary but acute mental confusion
3. Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)- neurological damage to the brain
3.1. Open and Closed
4. Right-Hemisphere Dysfunction(RHD) is damage to right cerebral hemisphere(non dominant).
5. Assesment Processes(in book)
6. Sarah Scott, who has Broca's aphasia.
6.1. SLP and therapists helped her weekly, and she slowly improved with speaking.
6.2. difficult to read and write; memory
7. Huntington's Disease
7.1. Meghan's story and Daniel's
7.2. Takes over the brain and delays speech(fluency), and damage is done to CSN.
8. New node
9. dysphasia, dysgraphia, dysarthria
10. Broca's Aphasia- damage to frontal lobe
10.1. nonfluent, more "expressive"
11. Global aphasia- large/multiple sites of injury. Transcortical Aphasia.
12. Dementia is a chronic, progressive decline in memory-result from CNS dysfunction
12.1. On the video...singing helped dementia patients.
12.1.1. New node