Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

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Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology por Mind Map: Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

1. References

2. Step One: Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment

2.1. Who can make a referral?

2.1.1. Family Member

2.1.2. Physician

2.1.3. Teacher

2.1.4. School Administrator

2.1.5. Referring Agency

2.2. What information or data is considered during a referral meeting?

2.2.1. Student Data

2.2.2. Personal Information

2.2.3. Vision or Hearing Reports

2.2.4. Background Information regarding related services

2.2.5. Information about any technology or equipment currently being used

3. Step Two: Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment

3.1. Direct Observation

3.2. Interview

3.3. Formal Assessment

4. Step Three: The Individual Education Program Team

4.1. Device Trials

5. Step Four: Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device