Digital technologies in practice: Where are we? Who should we be influencing? Exploring Education...

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Digital technologies in practice: Where are we? Who should we be influencing? Exploring Education Futures - MirandaMod by Mind Map: Digital technologies in practice: Where are we? Who should we be influencing? Exploring Education Futures - MirandaMod

1. Definitions of Education Futures

1.1. Which futures by the way?

1.1.1. Our children?

1.1.2. Ourselves?

1.1.3. The future of our economy?

1.1.4. Are we are talking really about the same "future"?

1.1.5. All of these and more!!! ;-)

1.1.6. Here's an interesting future: see the Singularity Institute: They work for a future where the Net is smarter than us. What is education for then? Smarter at what? See also Ray Kurzweil AI: And this recent talk:

2. Recommended resources

2.1. digital literacy

2.2. computer science

2.3. information technology

2.4. learning theories

3. Digital technologies and practice

3.1. digital literacy

3.2. computer science

3.3. information technology

4. Advice to policy makers

5. Who are we?

5.1. Companies

5.2. Researchers

5.2.1. Dai Thomas

5.3. Policymakers

5.4. Educators

5.4.1. David Longman

6. Who would we like to influence?

6.1. poliicy makers

6.2. teachers

6.3. researchers

6.4. compandevelopers

6.5. parents /general public

6.6. finance directors - it's not a fad!

6.7. Students (top of the list?)

7. What strategies can we employ in order to be heard?

7.1. Joint conferences with all the parties

7.2. Share the outcomes of our meetings and conferences more effectively ?