Environmental Impacts of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline

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Environmental Impacts of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline por Mind Map: Environmental Impacts of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline

1. Vegetation, wetlands, fish, birds, and terrestrial and bird animals will be affected

2. Biological

3. Industrial water use and discharges

3.1. Storm water runoff contains traces of pollutants and results in transient increases in sediment load.

4. Discharges to Port Valdez

4.1. Reduced throughout of oil --> reduced number of tanker visits --> reduced average volume of ballast water treated --> less impact on marine animals

5. Air quality

5.1. Because of the reduced demand on oil, pumping capacity and burning of flue has decreased. This causes a decrease in emissions.

6. Soil and permafrost

6.1. Terrestrial environment will be impacted due to maintenance activities, corrosion digs, construction projects, and the presence of a warm-oil pipeline in permafrost terrain.

6.2. Thaw bulb has developed around the buried pipe; however, will shrink in the future because the pipeline temperature is decreasing with decreased throughput. The shrinking could contribute to frost heave in some areas.

7. Water resources

7.1. Plenty of fresh water will be needed for potable water for manned facilities, equipment washing, dust abatement on roadways and pads, and hydrostatic testing.