1. We need to develop technological ecosystem
1.1. A strand of education that is about building and making things
1.2. Computational / design thinking
1.3. from the outset
2. BCS RAE Draft
2.1. CS
2.1.1. Computer Science (CS) is the subject discipline that explains how computer systems work, how they are designed and programmed, and the fundamental principles of information and computation programming is a subset deeper understanding of how systems work - couldit be Computer Technology as Science is study of the natural world? learning through the origination of new technology (could be at a simple level - e.g teach offline programming as done in other countries - perhaps?
2.2. IT
2.2.1. Information Technology (IT) covers the use and application of digital systems to develop technological solutions purposefully and creatively
2.3. Describe defining terms
2.3.1. What is the difference between aims and purpose? ( should the porpose be 'background' so requires an overarching statement that qualifies the adult language.
2.3.2. dangers getting programmrs in to teach 5 years old will be discredited by teachers
2.3.3. use age appropriate language and context
2.3.4. repeats itself
2.3.5. KS should include direct reference classification and taxonomy links to science
2.4. Digital Literacy
2.4.1. Digital Literacy (DL) is the ability to access, use, and express oneself using digital technology, including a critical understanding of technology’s impact on the individual and society.
2.4.2. Check out DAJ Belshaws 8Cs of digital literacy synergy with Scotland's Curriculm for excellence Is digital literacy a life skill?
2.4.3. Has to be related to digital technology
2.4.4. is the ability to cope with information in todays life
2.4.5. underpins the ability to do other things with information
2.4.6. is not an option in the modern world
2.4.7. has to be compatible with level of expectations in other subjects / stages
2.4.8. Responsible use legal issues esafety data security digital identity
2.4.9. has to pervade all subjects and be used everywhere
2.5. no reference to games or gaming in entire document
2.5.1. cognitive development through games & strategies
2.5.2. learning through play
3. Which underpinning learning theories would you recommend?
3.1. constructionist
3.2. In the back of my mind is an emerging idea about a 'theory' of 'no-learning'. It's linked to the idea that we need to differentiate formal education and schooling from learning but we talk as if these are the same. One issue therefore is the extent to which the underlying rhetoric of such 'theories' as 'seamless learning' or 'edgless education' is a subtle form of intellectual imperialism, attempting to formalise (or appropriate) the informal. We need to careful in our theorising about education that we leave room for all that important off-stage learning.
3.2.1. There is a converse, namely that in some situations (countries and regions) the marginal gains afforded by such tools as cheap mobile phones are huge. But here we need case studies. The reported effects, e.g. fishermen in the Bay of Bengal phoning to several ports to check prices; Kenyan small holders phoning several miiddlemen; Indian and African village women able to borrow or lend small cash sums to relatives far away etc. all these effects and systems come about not so much through pedagogical interventions as through responses to felt needs, needs which in these cases are mostly material, daily living needs. It would be useful to look at these emergent networks as case studies in some sort of macro-learning.
3.3. information transmission
4. What kind of ICT curriculum will embrace your definition of Education Futures? (teachers perspective)
4.1. Computer science
4.1.1. Is computational thinking a basic skill set how do we develop it Understanding Interfaces design thinking seeing the connections 3D printers
4.1.2. why we need CS economic need employment setting up businesses
4.2. Information technology
4.2.1. How does IT help me learn Learning with Learning about Creating Becoming Social
4.3. Digital Literacy
5. Definition of Education Future
5.1. a radical overhaul of school structure to meet digital literacy
5.1.1. rethink schoolday end to timetables
5.1.2. end to subject silos which encourage disconnected thinkig which result from universites
5.1.3. build learning on the affordances of technology
5.1.4. formal and informal learning
5.2. more personalisation
5.2.1. based on individual not group needs
5.2.2. fluid groupings
5.2.3. self selcting grouping
5.2.4. a shift of emphasis from content to context as motivators
5.3. Spaces and Places
5.3.1. Virtual and Physical centers of excellence the 'library card analogy' category whereby children and students can access facilities offered by an institution arts science physical online learning look and learn from project such as Wikipedia that have been implemented globally at minimal cost available to all children should be able to originate their own learning resources - highly motivational School Moocs?
6. What is your evidence?
6.1. eg. The evidence for wikipedia is irrefutable
6.2. there is masses of evidence on motivation through management research (Hertzberg McLelland, Mazlow,) We should study what motivates people - therefor getting a a computer scientist to decide what motivate a 12 year old may not be a good idea.
6.3. we need more educational evidence on what works
6.4. Sesame street empirical research completely countered what all the educational experts told them,
7. What is your advice to policy makers?
7.1. Listen to stakeholders
7.1.1. Children - age related working groups - after all they will be using this stuff what makes some of these children IT literate - why other less so
7.1.2. Teachers about their own use of technology concerns of teachers re technology listen to teacher networks and communities of practice parents expectations
7.1.3. Academics longditutional research research what context motivates children to learn more using digital technology more needed on formal / informal learning EU push awards for informal learning empirical research
7.1.4. Headteachers Roundtable
7.2. teacher development
7.2.1. encourage them to bring their digital literacy into their practice
7.2.2. how can I use technology in my subject / area of expertise
7.2.3. (CPD) - immersion days - try out but embed
7.3. integrate digital literacy as a requirement of ITT course
7.4. If you want this policy to be successful you will need to make some fundamental changes to policy - including league tables / assessment /
7.4.1. why invest 2 years for 2hours to get an a*
7.5. measure acheivement by results and outcomes - as in the real world
7.6. no emphasis in school curriculum on the innovation / entrepreneurship that Government pay lip service to - see Practice what you preach
7.7. Provide leadership by example (practice what you preach) - the example should start from the top (Minister, DFE Universities).
7.7.1. e.g. Don't do data collection via attached Word Docs. Don't specify Browsers e.g. explorer vx