Blended Learning with the VS

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Blended Learning with the VS by Mind Map: Blended Learning with the VS

1. Before School

1.1. Collect and structure resources

1.1.1. Pull in external resources

1.1.2. Digitize own resources

1.1.3. VS resources

1.2. Share resources within department

1.3. Share resources with students for preparation

1.3.1. Flipped classroom

1.3.2. Background info and pre-class preparation

1.4. Pre-lesson quizzes

1.4.1. Gauge background knowledge

1.4.2. Adjust lesson plans

1.5. Ask questions and start discussions before class

2. In Class

2.1. Access resources for use in class

2.2. Rich media projects

2.2.1. Collaborative production

2.2.2. Capture and screencast

2.2.3. Collecting resources

2.2.4. Share and comment

2.3. Capturing lessons

2.3.1. For self-assessment or peer review

2.3.2. To create revision resources for students

2.3.3. For future use

2.3.4. To share best practice

3. After School

3.1. Share lesson summaries

3.2. Share additional resources

3.3. Homework topics of resources

3.4. Quizzes

3.4.1. Gauge understanding

3.4.2. ID students needing additional support

3.4.3. Adjust plan for upcoming lessons

3.5. Submit rich media homework

3.6. Ask questions

3.6.1. Students ask questions about lessons and resources

3.6.2. Teachers ask discussion questions and students comment

3.6.3. Crowdsource answers from peers

3.7. Students engage with each other and staff

4. Extracurricular

4.1. Club and society communities

4.1.1. Share resources among members

4.1.2. Discussions

4.1.3. Pass knowledge down through cohorts

4.2. Outreach

4.3. Fundraising

5. News/ Admin

5.1. Communication

5.1.1. Messages & announcements

5.1.2. Discussions

5.2. Ask the Head Teacher

5.3. Top Achievements

5.4. Student TV

6. Sharing Best Practice

6.1. Collect and structure resources for subjects/ departments

6.1.1. External resources

6.1.2. Own resources

6.1.3. Captured lessons

6.2. Share good practices and ideas around teaching

6.3. Capture meeting outcomes

6.3.1. Capture workshops to for teachers who can't attend

6.3.2. Ask questions ahead of time

6.4. Capture, share and collaborate efficiently as departments

6.5. Discussions around key issues

6.6. Ask questions

6.7. Identify and develop subject leaders and new entrants

6.8. Teacher learning communities


7.1. Sharing digital resources

7.2. ICT in the classroom

7.3. Digitizing teaching

7.4. Networked learning

7.5. Flipped Classroom

7.6. Focus on desired outcomes