
A collaborative attempt to map and consolidate the various knowledge resources in and around the BPA department :)

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Knowledge by Mind Map: Knowledge

1. Collaboration

1.1. Discussion Forum

1.2. Blogs

1.3. Wiki

1.4. WorkSpaces

2. Communication

2.1. BPA Intranet

2.1.1. Products

2.1.2. Teams

2.1.3. People

2.1.4. News

2.2. Bulletins Service

3. BPA People

3.1. Brains

3.2. E-mail

3.3. Contacts

3.4. Internet

4. Documentation

4.1. Project WorkBook

4.2. M:\ Drive

5. Projects

5.1. Project Place

5.2. Bug/ITZilla

6. Training

6.1. Learning Service