Room Sterilization

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Room Sterilization by Mind Map: Room Sterilization

1. Berkefeld filter

1.1. passing the solution through a filter with a pore diameter that is too small for microbes to pass through

1.2. for removal of bacteria, filters with an average pore diameter of 0.2um is normally use

1.3. however, viruses and phage can pass through these filters so filtration is not a good option if these are a concern

2. Radiation

2.1. Agents

2.1.1. Radiations such as electron beams, x-rays, gamma rays or subatomic particles

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. Ionizing Radiation Sterilization elaborate- info in google docs

3. Moist heat

3.1. Agents

3.1.1. Hot air heavily loaded with water vapour which plays an important role in sterilization

3.2. Methods

3.2.1. Water vapour generated by boiling water has high penetrating power

3.2.2. Destroys the microbes by causing coagulation of proteins and also causes oxidative free radical damage

3.3. Items that can be sterilized with this type

3.3.1. Microbial cultures

3.3.2. Liquids

3.3.3. Glassware

3.4. Examples

3.4.1. Steam sterilization

4. Types

4.1. Chemical

4.1.1. Agents Ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, chlorine dioxide, ozone

4.1.2. Methods Ethylene penetrates through paper, cloth, plastic and can kill all known viruses, bacteria, fungi and even spores Ozone has the ability of oxidizing most organic matter

4.1.3. Examples Fumigation elaborate on this- info in google docs

4.2. Filtration

4.2.1. Method Bacteria are removed effectively removed through a pore size of 0.2μm and for viruses a pore size of around 20nm is required

4.2.2. Agents Filter made of different materials such as nitrocellulose or polyethersulfone

4.2.3. Items that can be sterilized with this type Sensitive pharmaceuticals and protein solutions

4.2.4. Examples Usage of filters

5. Precaution

5.1. Sterile persons touch only sterile items or areas; unsterile persons touch only unsterile items or areas

5.2. Edges of anything that encloses sterile contents are considered unsterile

5.3. Sterile areas are continuously kept in view

5.4. Sterile persons keep well within sterile area

5.4.1. elaborate on all points

6. Autoclave- most commonly used for labs

6.1. elaborate- info is in googledocs

7. Agents

7.1. Hot air free form water vapour