Wales Learning Technologies Forum

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Wales Learning Technologies Forum by Mind Map: Wales Learning Technologies Forum

1. Terms of reference for new forum

1.1. Inform and lobby decision makers

1.2. Additional to existing LearnTech ToR

1.3. point 2. To encourage partnership working and collaborative activity

1.4. put in responses to consultations/papers

2. Chairperson representation

2.1. Chair and vice chair

2.1.1. Karen Ford, Kevin Lawrence, Sarah Williams, Richard Speight

2.1.2. closing 2nd Nov

2.1.3. jiscmail for new group disolve

3. Structure of meetings

3.1. termly meetings 3x

3.2. steering group meeting prior to meetings

3.2.1. 2 people from each sector

3.3. sector specific issues dedicated

3.4. themes for best practice

3.4.1. time to share best practice key part of meeting

3.5. All 3 face to face meetings

3.6. online recording for those that can't attend

3.7. committee instead of steering group

3.7.1. online element of these meetings

3.7.2. more formal than steering group

3.7.3. 1yr term

3.7.4. 1 person from each sector including RSC Wales

3.7.5. 3 strikes then you're out

3.8. Chair and Vice chair

3.8.1. 3 yr term

3.8.2. elected by committee or forum?

3.9. possible student membership

3.10. VC not effective

3.11. Electronic community of practice

3.11.1. Big Blue Button and Matterhorn

3.12. Work done before meetings

3.13. Hot topics

3.13.1. voted using online tools to choose agenda

3.14. Chair from each sector?

3.15. time for discussion what's happening in each sector

3.16. Show and tell from each sector

3.16.1. poster presentations

3.17. Including Moodle

3.18. 2 meetings a year

3.18.1. with electronic support for continuous discussion

3.18.2. face to face

3.18.3. no need of steering group

3.19. Mid Wales

3.19.1. South mid and North Mid

3.20. Social networking

3.20.1. share lifts

3.20.2. discussions

3.20.3. linked In

3.21. Guest speakers in and outside of forum

3.22. Too much time on round robin

3.22.1. done prior to meeting

3.23. hands-on of new technologies

3.24. specific interests

3.25. Raise awareness of group with AMs

3.26. Presentations made available

3.27. Chair and rep from each sector

4. Governance arrangements for forum activities

4.1. steering committee

4.1.1. 1 /2 from each sector and 1 from Moodle

4.2. VC

4.3. Face to face if suitable

4.4. Online activity

4.5. RSC Wales

4.6. Colleges Wales

4.7. See above

4.8. Not have Governance

4.8.1. Have a Chair and V Chair

4.8.2. RSC Wales and Colleges Wales organise meetings

4.9. Ning options?

4.10. Email for group