The BLUEprint Initiative: Information Literacy

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The BLUEprint Initiative: Information Literacy by Mind Map: The BLUEprint Initiative: Information Literacy

1. Research Course

2. English 121 Library Component

3. Capstone Experience

4. Gen Ed Embedded Experience

5. Help

5.1. How Do I use this Mind Map?

5.1.1. Attachment: Click on the paperclip icon to download a file attachment related to that topic

5.1.2. Link: click on the arrow icon to open up a website related to that topic

5.1.3. Notes Click on the notes icon to read additional information on the topic

5.1.4. Nodes: Each node represents a topic or subtopic. To open a node (to see more subtopics) click on the plus sign next to the node node To close a node click on the minus sign next to the node you want to close