Writing an outline for an academic paper

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Writing an outline for an academic paper by Mind Map: Writing an outline for an academic paper

1. Content

1.1. Why outline?

1.1.1. Importance of outlines

1.1.2. Types of outlines

1.2. Searching for content

1.2.1. using keywords

1.2.2. using dictionaries and encyclopedias

1.3. Thesis statement

1.3.1. formulating the thesis statement

1.3.2. criteria of effective thesis statements

1.4. Source evaluation

1.4.1. academic vs. popular sources

1.4.2. The CRAAP test

1.5. Referencing

1.5.1. APA in-text citations

1.5.2. Reference page

2. Instructional methods

2.1. videos

2.2. readings

2.3. interactive activity

2.4. self and peer assessment

3. Multimedia principles

3.1. pre-training

3.2. segmentation

3.3. coherence

3.4. consistency

3.5. spatial contiguity