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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. Action Point 2

1.1. Problem 1

2. Action Points

2.1. Validity is the degree to which the particular assessment measures those objectives. There are three major types of validity present in classroom testing situations: content, criterion and construct validity. Content validity is achieved when the content of the assessment matches the educational objectives. Criterion validity is demonstrated by the ability of the test to relate to external requirements, as in a proficiency exam. Construct validity takes into account the educational variables, such as the native language of the students, to predict the test outcomes.

3. Prioritize Ideas

3.1. Assessments must be both valid and reliable in order to give an accurate demonstration of student learning. Never give a test or other assessment without a specific educational objective in mind. Objectively evaluating your assessments for validity and reliability will reduce stress in the classroom and ensure that educational goals are met.

3.2. Medium Priority

3.3. Low Priority

4. Plan

4.1. Goals

4.1.1. Goal 1

4.1.2. Goal 2

4.2. Rules

4.2.1. Session Rule 1

4.2.2. Session Rule 2

4.3. Define Problems

4.4. Capture Ideas

4.5. Prioritize Ideas

4.6. Define Action Points

5. Problem

5.1. Classroom tests require three main reliability measures: stability, alternate form and internal consistency. The stability of the test can be measured by administering the same assessment twice with some separation of time. Similar results show high reliability, whereas different results show low reliabilityProblem 2

6. Ideas

6.1. Idea 1

6.1.1. Sub Idea 1

6.1.2. Sub Idea 2

6.2. Idea 2

6.3. Idea 3

6.4. Idea 4