1. Raid Officer
1.1. Class Leaders
1.1.1. Class leaders are to know a fair knowledge of that role (talent builds/ glyphs/ enchants/ technique/ stats/ macros)
1.1.2. class leaders will take all issues amongst the guild. All classes are to listen to their class leader over anyone else in the raid and out.
1.1.3. Leaders job to gather pots and elixirs from guild bank before raid
1.1.4. Class leaders get to choose who will be in the raid for what encounters. If too many members, leaders will need to create rotations (per wk) for that class.
1.2. Officers job to organize raid times
1.3. Officers job to know the raid inside and out to inform class leaders about encounters.
1.4. Officers job to make sure the Class leaders are doing their job and if they are knowledgeable for that role.
2. Bank Officer
2.1. Loot Officer
2.1.1. Loot officer will be the only person to have master looter in raids
2.1.2. Loot officer is to keep track of all loot and who it goes too.
2.1.3. Loot officer will send any BoE items straight to the bank officer if they are present, if not the loot officer will take it.
2.2. Bank officer is in charge of tidiness of the guild bank and all larger bank requests.
2.3. Bank officer will have the choice to make gold (for guild profit) on the AH
3. Professions Officer
3.1. Professions Leaders
3.1.1. Leaders are to fulfill any requests from guildies for crafting
3.1.2. It is not the Leaders authority to remove items from the bank without of the bank officer's athority.
3.1.3. Leaders will have the ability to repair upto 20g a day