ETEC522 - Social Technologies

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ETEC522 - Social Technologies por Mind Map: ETEC522 - Social Technologies

1. Structure

1.1. 1. Introduction

1.2. 2. Web 2.0: Social learning potentials of products and services

1.3. 3. Web 2.0: Who are customers and why will they pay?

1.4. 4. Web 3.0

1.5. 5. Additional Resources/Optional Readings

2. Discussion

2.1. Part 1: What is web 2.0 according to you? (will elaborate later on; to be done prior to reading and videos)

2.2. Part 2: Respond to discussion question prompts we will provide at the end of all subtopics.

2.3. Part 3: Respond to at least 1 out of 3 pitches/case studies we will provide at end of module.