ICT Curriculum Manager & Schools ICT Development

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ICT Curriculum Manager & Schools ICT Development by Mind Map: ICT Curriculum Manager & Schools ICT Development

1. 5 ICT in Education Objectives

1.1. Culture, Confidence and Competence

1.1.1. CaT Coaches

1.1.2. Highland Education Reputation

1.2. Hardware, Software and Infrastructure

1.2.1. Innovation

1.2.2. Guest Access BYOT

1.2.3. Liaising with Curriculum Area Officers

1.3. Parental Involvement

2. Management Information System

2.1. Pearson e1 to SEEMIS

2.2. Developing usage

2.3. Training

2.4. Modifying for our Requirements

2.5. Performance Data

3. E-Safety

3.1. CEOP Training

3.2. Cyberbullying Service

3.3. Policies & Guidance

3.4. Bespoke Events

3.5. National Internet Safety Group Attendance

3.6. Maintenance of www.highlandesafety.wordpress.com

3.7. Cyber Security / E-Crime Education

4. Re-Provisioning

4.1. Ensuring future ICT provision is robust for Technologies in Learning & Future Vision

5. ECS ICT Strategy

5.1. Project Management

5.2. Dissemination

5.3. Development of Strategic Action Plan

5.4. LA Software Purchasing

5.5. Administration of Strategy and Partnership / Stakeholder Sub Groups


6.1. Administration

6.2. Promoting Use

6.3. Communication Systems

6.4. Major Migration Autumn 2013

6.5. Highland Guidance & CPD

7. SG & ECS Initiatives

7.1. AfE Testing

7.2. Scottish Survey Literacy & Numeracy

8. Highland Council (ICT Services) & Managed Service (Fujitsu)

8.1. Best Value (IMACS)

8.2. Advocating Curriculum within Corporate Approach

8.3. Supporting Service Delivery & Escalation

8.4. Scorecard Feedback

8.5. Ensuring all schools have wireless infrastructure ARUBA

8.6. ROLLING REFRESH of School Devices

8.7. Translating and Implementing Policy (Security)

8.8. Moving Education staff on to Highland.gov Email

8.9. Assisting with Governance, PSN and Security Incidents

8.10. Curriculum Software build is current

8.11. Servers and Storage Management