Quantitative Methodology

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Quantitative Methodology by Mind Map: Quantitative Methodology

1. Design

1.1. Quantitative Study comparing student achievement in rural Missouri schools with resource allocation using linear regression analysis/scatterplots

2. Setting/Site Selection

2.1. Rural Districts from all geographic areas of state (Helps validate data to pull from a variety of locations)

3. Figure 1: Methodology

4. References: Sheppard, A., & Hofmeister, D. (2012). Doctor of education program guide. Southwestern College. Retrieved August 12, 2012, from www.southwesterncollege.org/conten/upload/files/Doctor-Of-Education-ProgramGuide.pdf.

5. Introduction - Re-describe study and explain necessity.

6. Plan for data

6.1. MAP scores from 2009-2011 (3 year period) mined from MCDS

6.2. Foundation Formula 2004 compared to 2011

7. Population/Sample

7.1. Rural Missouri K-12 schools with a population <2,000 students.

7.1.1. Size=typical rural/suburban

7.2. 3-5 Grade Students (Math and Communication Arts/ELA)

7.2.1. Grouped grade levels using MSIP 4 data

8. Instrumentation/Measures/Protocals

8.1. MAP Criterian Based Assessment in conjunction with Terra Nova (Nationally normed assessment from CTB)